Items for November 8 Reviews
The design reviews for November 8 are process oriented and you do not need to develop sophisticated communication graphics. You must be able to demonstrate examples from all of the items in process, including the perspective views, renderings, and technical documents.
Continue to link and build upon the knowledge of the curriculum as you make design decisions.
When you complete your design you should be able to present your work and complete the following statements in your presentation/design reviews:
- This is how the design supports a whole to part learning by....
- A student is approached as a multiple intelligence individual by the design....
- The design meets the cultural needs of Finnish culture by....
- The design recognizes for project based learning because we have created....
- The interior design of the school implements the conceptual diagram by.....
- This is how the interior design meets/supports the philosophy and values of the school...
The above questions allude to the type of questions you should constantly challenge your team in the schematic phase. Your team may refine the and redirect the questions based on your unique direction and emphasis for the project. But the spirit of fulfilling the educational and cultural needs must be supported by your design proposal. Be prepared to respond to these type of questions as you design your school and interact with the instructors.
Due for November 8 FINAL PROCESS CRITIQUE -- 90% of Design Complete
1. Detailed interior design for significant spaces as selected above.
2. Materials Box -- A box with actual materials used for the six distinct spaces as outlines above.
3. Materials, Furnishings, Equipment, and Fixtures (Includes complete lighting and ceiling systems for the selected spaces.) All supporting material should be created in a Technical PDF Notebook. This should match the spaces selected for your material box above. We will plan and develop a form/standard PDF form during class for material and FF&E.
4. Plans, Section Elevations for the entire building/school. These should illustrate all major spaces in scale and implement traditional architectural graphic communication methods.
5. Illustrations (Rendered Perspectives, Renered Floorplans, Rendered Elevations)
6. Technical documents for lighting design. Reflected ceiling plan, schedule and cut sheets/supporting technical documents, including photometric data for light fixtures and lamps. Placed in technical PDF binder.
7. Lighting Study for one learning space. Based on your experience earlier in the term with light and space create a physical model of one learning space and experiment and present a lighting concept related to you school design.
8. Computer animation of your space.
9. You must also meet all requirements as outlined in the Project Overview blog entry.