
Editing your photos for the web...

Use the following steps to edit your images for the internet.

1. Create a new folder and copy your original photos you want to place on the web into this folders. Do not ever edit your original photos.... 

2. Open the image(s) from the folder created in step one in Photoshop.

3. Rotate, steighten, and correct your perspective of your image.

4. Crop your image. (make sure that the total size of your image is not less than 960 pixels wide.)

5. Reduce the size of your image to a maximum of 960 pixels wide. 

6. Edit the contrast of your image using the levels tool. (Image>Adjustments>Levels)

7. Bring out detail in the shadows and highlights (Image>Adjustments>Shadows and Highlights)

8. Edit the colors of your image (Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation)

9. Sharpen your images (Filters>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask...)

10. Reduce the noise in your images (Filters>Noise>Reduce Noise...)

11. Under the file menu Save your file using the Save for Web and Devises 

12. Save your file in a new folder just for your web/internet use.