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Materials for Friday Finland Culture Workshop

Ok folks! We need to have some materials for the workshop on Friday. Merita will be conducting a workshop on lighting and we will be doing some hands-on experiments and designing with light. Please bring the following per team.

Take a look at the following link...


  • 1-2 shoe boxes (or similar size)
  • 1 large box about 30X30X30 - 36X36X36
  • Variety (scraps are just fine) of white and black cardboard
  • White and black paint
  • Glue gun, or similar quick glue tool
  • Tape, transparent, double sided....
  • Scissors
  • x-acto
  • metal ruler
  • pencil
  • digital camera (bring what every you may have) one per team....


This will a fantasitc hands on workshop and being organized at the beginning of class will make it much more enjoyable. Please have all of the above supplies.

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