Assignment 2 - Diagrams, Programs, Site Selection, and Ergonomics
1. Create a conceptual diagram for learning in your school. (Complete this part of the assignment first.)
Building from your research competed in the previous assignment create a presentation quality conceptual diagram illustrating how learning happens in your school. The final diagram will be created from a three step process. First you will create a mind map, then transform the mind map into a thinking map. Once you have completed the first two steps you will create a final concept diagram for learning in the school.
A. Start by creating a mind map and of how the following factors relate and interact.
Constructivism, Multiple Intellegences, Project Based Learning
B. Transform the mind map into thinking map using the 8 characteristics of organizing and expressing information to explore relationships of learning.
C. Based on the first two steps create a final diagram for learning in your school. This diagram should be of high visual and aesthetic quality.
An 11X17 PDF multi page PDF document that contains the process and final product of your conceptual diagram. The final conceptual diagram should be professional presenation quality using the best graphic design and typographic standards. The document should also contain all process work with breif written descriptions of the process of making the model.
Post all of your work, final diagram, and process mind maps and thinking maps, in a blog post on your class web site. Save all of your process work (physical and digital) from this assignment.
Create a program for your school.
The nature of the studio project—to design an innovative learning environment—is itself innovative in that creation of program requirements is integral to the design solution. Defining the “problem” arguably becomes as or more important than defining its solution. This will be the task over the next couple weeks.
The program should be created by accessing multiple types of information, including students’ personal experience and reflection on teaching and learning environments, the opinions of experts, and current trends in educational design. You are to use multiple ways of exploring ideas, concepts and relationships though words and images as you create this document.
Before you start the program you will need to have a firm understanding of the conceptual and philosophical direction of the project in terms of the user’s/client’s expertise.
For example if you are designing a school you should know how the school is going to operate in terms of educational theory. What methods has the school adopted to be used in the learning process? What philosophical processes from the discipline of education are being used in the school? What are the core values of the school? What are outcome expectations of the school? How does the school relate the community and broader cultural issues?
If you are designing an office space you would have to understand the business and communication models adopted by the corporate organization. You would also want to have an understanding of the core values and ethical standards. What communication models and hierarchical structure are being implemented?
The above examples are to serve as a starting point. (Both examples are brief compared to the depth of investigation required in a full study.) You should develop a broad understanding of the user/client position by expanding on the questions provided in the examples. The above issues will impact the program requirements. For example one educational method may emphasize teamwork while another individual work. The educational method would influence the size and shape of the space, the type of furnishings, the acoustical qualities of the materials and influence the decision of other related issues.
Create an introduction to your programming document that outlines the following concepts. Your programming document should have the following sections in the introduction.
SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY What philosophical positions do the clients/users take to define their methods of working? What theories are implemented by the clients/users to provide direction in design decision making?
SCHOOL VALUES What are the core values of the client/users of the project? How do the clients/users define themselves in terms of alternate points of view regarding the methods of working? How do the clients/users define their ethical standards? What standards does the client/user implement to evaluate their product or service?
SCHOOL HIERARCHY How do you make a decision about what factors of your school are more important than others? What hierarchical models are being used to structure working relationships between people in the organization/institution you are designing for? (Draw a schematic of the hierarchical model and annotate it with a written description.) Make a list of the important factors/values in your school in a hierarchical order.
SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY How does the school engage and support the community? How does the community support the school?
SCHOOL AND CULTURE How does the school become a part of the cultural fabric of the neighborhood, city, region, nation and world communities?
A design program is the research, evaluation, and data describing the needs of the client, users, occupants, and society, in direct relation to the space you are designing. A design program may be made of charts, images, text, and or other means to effectively illustrate the needs of the clients and users.
Labels and words have meaning and context. Be very careful with the labels you use to describe your spaces in the school. A very different meaning is communicated with the term classroom compared to learning space, studio, or messy area. Again, select your words carefully and with thought to how they relate to preconceptions and stereotypes.
Create a program for your school that addresses the following issues and concepts. You are strongly encouraged to create your program and you create your diagram and visual information. The creation of visual diagrams can reveal new ideas for your program. If you just write the program then complete the diagrams you may miss important discoveries. If you start your diagramming without outlining some of the important issues in the school you will have difficulty in making decisions of hierarchy and focus.
Physical Space Requirements
- Types of spaces (Traditional or new typologies) be careful how you label spaces…
- Size and shape of spaces (area and volume)
Spatial Configuration
- Organizational Strategies
- Adjacency Matrix
- Adjacency Diagrams
Equipment Requirements
- Furnishings
- Kitchen Equipment
- Elevators
Psychological and Social Requirements
- Emotional Support
- Types of Social Interactions
Communication Requirements
- Types of Communication Implemented or Enhanced
- Interpersonal Communication
- Mass Communication
- Communication Models
- Telephones
- Conferencing Technology
Ergonomic Requirements
- Human Body Size
- Human Body Limitations (reach)
Lighting Requirements
- Lux Levels
- Aesthetic Direction
- Energy Requirements
- Natural Light
- Electric Light
Ecological Requirements
- Materials
- Recycling
Code Requirements
- Egress
- Building Construction Type
- Building Occupancy Type
- Material Limitations
Universal Design
Technology Requirements
- Computers
- Networking
Security Requirements
Acoustical Requirements
The final programming document should be created in 8.5X11 PDF format and posted on your class website. The document must be professional quality and be written and illustrated in a tone appropriate for teachers and staff from your school to review. Post the final version on your course website.
Create spatial diagrams for your school.
Create two presentation quality diagrams of your school. One diagram is to be at the macro scale and describe the relationships of all of the school spaces and immediate exterior conditions. The second diagram should focus on the micro scale of typical space where children learn.
Start with bubble diagrams and progress to more detailed diagrams. Do not work at scale or in a form that represents a typical floor plan.
The following factors are to be explored and expressed in your final version of the diagrams.
- Spaces
- Circulation
- Adjacencies
- Light
- Activity Areas
- Learning Areas
- other items as appropriate and developed by your team
A printable 11X17 PDF multi page PDF document that contains the process and final product of your spacial diagrams. The final conceptual diagram should be professional presenation quality using the best graphic design and typographic standards. The document should also contain all process work with breif written descriptions of the process of making the diagrams.
Post all of your work, final diagram, and bubble diagrams, adjacency matrix, etc..., in a blog post on your class web site. Save all of your process work (physical and digital) from this assignment.
Select your location for your school.
Based on the philosopy, values, and utility of your school select a site for your school. The school MUST be an existing structure and be located in Finland.
Select the location and building for your school. Create an 11X17 presentation quality illustration(s) that provides an overview of the city, neighborhood, size, and context of your selected building. Describe the building in general terms. Provide an analysis of the structural system(s) of the building, major exterior materials, fenestration system, and fixed interior elements. Provide overall dimensions of your selected building, provide total square meters, and basic site analysis.
Use Google Earth Street view to collect information and measure buildings.
Us the folliwng document to assist in site selection.
Create a post an 11X17 printable PDF document (multi pages) that illustrates the location of your school and analysis of the central contextual elements.
Create a poster and video for ergonomic issues.
1. Create three videos, one from each of the eye levels of your children in assignment one. Each video should be created in a distinct and unique location. Post the video on your class web site. Write a brief synopsis of the eye level expereicne and what is revealed by watching and analysing the video. Shoot a minimum of 30 minutes of video for each child and edit each video to no more than three minutes.
2. Create a full scale/life size poster that describes the size and shape of each of the three children and a typical adult. Illustrate the children in a manner that shows them interacting with objects, furniture, equipment, fixtures, etc...
Create one full scale document that will be hung at the interim review. Create matching PDF document that you post on your course web site.
Use VIMEO web hosting and create a imbedded video on your website. Provide a brief written analysis of each video. Edit each video to a maximum of three minutes.
Final Versions of all Documents in this Assignment
All documents created in this assignment must be graphically unified and provide a consistant visual and written structure. The total package should have a "team' branded approach.
Turn in a CD/DVD with a copy of all materials required in this assignment at the review on September 27.
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