Knox Schools to Offer Local Produce...

Check out the following link to see how the local schools are ramping up to engage the local food system.
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Reader Comments (3)
This seems like it would be a great solution to the rapidly decreasing number of family farm owners. Corporate "faceless" producers seem to be sweeping the nation and putting a halt to farming generations in the U.S. If we start supporting our local communities and local farmers, maybe more locally owned farming businesses will emerge.
Engaging local farms as suppliers of fresh fruit and vegetables for public schools seems is an obvious solution for rising fuel prices and the decrease in family operated farms. It will also be beneficial if the farmers can visit the schools or offer field trips so the school children will feel a connection to the food. Eating local is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.
Local farms seem a most practical option, and I wonder at the fact that this hasn't been done sooner. I'm glad to see the budget nearly doubling the portion allotted to fresh fruits and vegetables to students.
Food is one of those things that undergoes noticeable changes. People complain about a lot of stuff, but food truly reflects public opinion. Grocery stores, for example, sell what the consumer wants to see. If the consumer buys more organic foods or local produce, more options of those products appear on the shelves. Affecting change is as simple as buying a different brand of bread, even if it's a little more money. If we're willing to spend that for ourselves, why wouldn't we for students with no choice? I'm glad schools are recognizing that when it comes to children, money takes second place to nutrition.