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Barcelona Pics from Day One

Auldyn and I had a great first day. We met at the airport and we wen directly to the train station and headed to Barcelona. The train ride was fast and very comfortable. Our hotel is on the edge of the Barri Gothic. It is a very old neighborhood with a maze of streets that occasionally open into a plaza. The streets are lined with boutique shops, restaurants, bars, and cafes. Not more that you could ask.... look at the gallery below for more pictures. We had a great meal of gazpacho, paella, red wine, dessert of chocolate cake and fresh fruit. (By the way only a small drizzle of olive oil in the gazpacho!)  

At the bar before dinner... Great beer on tap!!!

 For more pics from the first day go to the gallery below. 

Picture Gallery


Train Ride to Barcelona from David Matthews on Vimeo.




Untitled from David Matthews on Vimeo.



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