Based on classroom conversations the use the following to shape your presentation for the research phase of the project.
If any team wants has ideas that are outside what is described in this entry please let the instructors know and we can make changes to the presentation for your group.
List of Annotated Web Based Resources
Make sure that at least one paragraph for each annotation tells why the reference is relevant to the project.
Each student should post all of the annotations from their group in their course blog as individual blog entries. (All 35 should be in each team members squarespace blog.)
Add a search widgets and create categories and tags for your entries.
Create one word document of all of the blog entries and save as a PDF for the instructor to turn in on presentation day.
Interviews of Experts
See if you can video tape or make an audio recording, if not do your best to create an accurate written transcript of the interview.
Based on what the person you interview allows each team member is to post a blog entry for each interview. Use tags and categories for your interviews. Provide a summary with points to the most relevant aspects of the interview.
Put all transcripts, audio, and or video files on your CD you turn in at the presentation.
List of ideas (brainstorming of tangible ideas).
This can be one blog entry on each team members site. Use tags and categories in the list.
Provide a PDF copy on the disk you turn in.
Create a "A Day in the Life of Finnish School Children" Story Board for three students at the proposed school.
The final product for the story board should allow pinning of 8.5X11 color prints and a file in PDF format of each story board sequence. Each student is to have all three story boards as an entry in their blog. Use tags and categories.
Provide a PDF copy of each story board on the CD you turn in at the presentation.
Each team is to submit all information at the beginning of the presentation on CD-ROM. This CD should contain all of the files in PDF format for written and visual 2-d work. If you have a movie or audio file(s) see the instructors for more information on file formats.